Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy

Just checking in since I haven't blogged for a month. I know I'll look back at this a year from now and wonder where January went. I've been busy
  • reading - lots of neat books; one of these days I'll blog about the best ones I've read in the past year. Right now I'm reading a fascinating book on tropical ecology in preparation for our trip to Costa Rica later this month.
  • working on genealogy - we were supposed to visit a cousin of W's father and I started up on my genealogy work again in preparation for the visit. She got sick so we haven't gone yet, but in the meantime I've made a lot of progress. I now have a spreadsheet of all the ancestors in this country and am anxious to compile a list of those who immigrated so I can start searching the ships' lists. And there is much more work to do to validate the data I got from
  • quilting - I went on a trip to the quilt shop in Pennington with a group from the guild, took a fabulous workshop with George and Virginia Siciliano and now have two of their kits, and am taking another workshop from a guild member next weekend. Plus I still have to finish the latest quilt I've been working on.
  • exercising - Now that W has stopped working and traveling we've been very good about getting to the gym 3 times a week and walking the other days. I've even lost 5 pounds in the last few weeks :)

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