Friday, June 25, 2021

Golf Course Trails

We decided to stay close to home for today's hike and went to explore the new trails near the Tupper Lake golf course.  We walked about three miles on the wide trails that have been cleared for cross country skiing. But they apparently are not maintained in the summer, since wherever much sunlight filtered through there was high grass covering the trail.  We did a very careful tick check and showered after the walk but I'm not sure we will do it again this summer.  Unless they mow, the vegetation will get very thick as the season goes on.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Paddling Long Pond

The two of us had a great paddle today.   We put into Long Pond off Floodwood Road, using wheels on my boat for the first time.  They worked very well on the 1/3 mile carry to the lake, shown to the left on the map.

We paddled into Pink Pond, shown on the left on the map.


We tried to get into Little Pink but it was blocked by a beaver dam.  We were able to get up the stream at the top of the map before being stopped by downed trees.  By the time we got back to the main part of the lake the winds had picked up so we headed back to the carry.  The squiggles at the bottom right show us stopping at campsite 14 and scrambling along the shore to get a look at the rapids on the small brook there.

Here is a sample of the wildflowers in bloom: swamp laurel lined the shores in many places (Kalmia angustifolia in the Ericaceae), the first rose pogonia (Pogonia ophioglossoides in the Orchidaceae) we have seen, iris a bit past their prime (Iris versicolor in the Iridaceae), and a marvelous nurse log covered with sundews (Drosera rotundifolia in the Droseraceae).

Monday, June 21, 2021

Quilt 71

This gorgeous quilt is called "Play Quilt" using the Bio Geo fabric line from Free Spirit fabrics.  It wasn't really very much work, but it was challenging to measure the long pieces accurately.  I have no idea how to quilt it.  I'll ask my quilting group the Stitchin' B's for suggestions when we meet next week.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Summer Solstice Picnic and Paddle

The group met again at campsite 62 on Second Pond for a Summer Solstice picnic.  Since we had to use our boats to get there, we did a short 3 mile paddle up Cold Brook and back before joining the group.  A huge downed hemlock blocked our way about 1/4 mile up the brook but it was a nice quiet paddle.  There were lots of motor boats on their way to and from the locks so we didn't go any farther on the river.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Buttermilk Falls

We had a nice scramble around Buttermilk Falls today.  This is the view upstream of the falls.

This is the highest part of the falls, which are really just rapids in the river.

Neat rocks and trees along side the falls.

Bluets (Houstonia caerulea in the Rubiaceae) scattered around.  We walked the portage route downstream for a while.  Can't imagine carrying a canoe there.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Paddling Follensby Clear to Fish Creek

We did a short but fun paddle today, only about 3.5 miles.  The winds were forecasted to rise during the day, so we decided to paddle early, arriving at the southern put-in on Follensby Clear about 8 AM.  We paddled to the carry to Fish Creek and carried the boats separately so it was easy.  Then we put back in at the end of the carry on Fish Creek

and headed down the creek.

We paddled through Fish Creek Ponds and past the Omega cabin where we used to stay.  Then up Spyder Creek, which was a bit of a challenge because the beavers had been busy so we paddled up a short waterfall that had opened up in a dam.  It took me two tries, but I made it.  Then under the road and back to the car.  The winds were picking up so we didn't paddle any more in Follensby Clear.

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Saranac River Clean-up

We spent the afternoon on the Saranac River helping with the annual clean-up.   The water is already very low and once we loaded the big canoe with lots of garbage, including several big tires we dug out of the streambed, we kept getting hung up on sand bars.  So it was a hard slog.  And I'm definitely not a fan of paddling a canoe - I am much happier with a double bladed kayak paddle.  But it was a beautiful day and it is always good to be on the water, even if you are picking up trash.

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Hiking at Massawepie

We had a marvelous 2.4 mile hike on the trail at Massawepie today.  They close to the public on June 15 so we were glad we made it.  It is a beautiful walk through the woods and around the lake.

And there are still wildflowers to be identified.  This time I took a sample of the white-flowered shrub that was also blooming along the Upper Osgood and was able to identify it as labrador tea (Ledum Groenlandicaum in the Ericaceae).  I also saw common wood sorrel (Oxalis montana in the Oxalidaceae)

and twinflower (Linnaea borealis in the Caprifoliaceae).

Friday, June 11, 2021


I'm very happy with the lupines I planted this year. 

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Paddling The Upper Osgood River

It is a good thing we didn't wait any longer to paddle the Upper Osgood.  The water is already very low and there still hasn't been any rain to speak of.  We only had to get out of our boats to go over one beaver dam but after the dam the water was so low in spots it was hard to keep going.  This plant was all along the river and I don't know what it is.  I can't identify it without taking some samples and I was already trailing the group while taking photos.

The river was great and there are lots of yellow water lilies (Nuphar variegatum in the Nymphacaceae) blooming.

Friday, June 4, 2021

Paddling Raquette Lake

We had another great paddle today.  Six of us put in at the town beach in Raquette Lake and paddled up the west side of the lake.  The winds were fairly light and out of the west, so we were well protected most of the time.  We paddled a total of about 6 1/2 miles.

We explored a small brook that was soon blocked by an impressive beaver dam.

Then we stopped at a lean-to for lunch.  The woods around it were very lush and I found this neat mossy log with large bracket fungi.

While we were there the WW Durant passed by, probably on one of its lunch cruises.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Quilt 70

I finally finished and hung my latest quilt.  It is another stack-n-whack panel quilt which is now hanging on the wall in the bedroom here in camp.