Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Paddling Follensby Clear to Fish Creek

We did a short but fun paddle today, only about 3.5 miles.  The winds were forecasted to rise during the day, so we decided to paddle early, arriving at the southern put-in on Follensby Clear about 8 AM.  We paddled to the carry to Fish Creek and carried the boats separately so it was easy.  Then we put back in at the end of the carry on Fish Creek

and headed down the creek.

We paddled through Fish Creek Ponds and past the Omega cabin where we used to stay.  Then up Spyder Creek, which was a bit of a challenge because the beavers had been busy so we paddled up a short waterfall that had opened up in a dam.  It took me two tries, but I made it.  Then under the road and back to the car.  The winds were picking up so we didn't paddle any more in Follensby Clear.

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