Thursday, August 8, 2024

Paddling Meacham Lake and the Lower Osgood River

I wasn't able to go on this paddle due to bursitis in my hip which makes sitting for a long time very painful.  But W went on the paddle and I wanted to document it.  Unfortunately, he lost his phone on the trip so I don't have pictures.

The group put in at the usual spot at the dam for the East Branch of the Saint Regis River and paddled to the outlet for the Lower Osgood.  We had been told there were beaver dams obstructing the river, but that was not the case.  The only obstacle was a couple of trees down which some the of group climbed over and some carried around.  The river was great and they only turned around because it was time to go back to the beach on the southern shore of the lake for lunch.  Because it was a slow trip, they didn't get very far.

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