Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Canadian Rockies Day 4

I love my new knee!!  We hiked 9.5 miles and climbed over 2000 feet today and my knee didn't complain.  We can't remember when we have hiked that far.  The hike was up Johnston Canyon, all the way to the ink pots at the top of the trail.

It was hard to choose which photos to include, there are so many neat ones of the canyon and falls.

This is the lower falls, about 1 kilometer in.

Then more scenery on the way to the upper falls.

Then the upper falls about 2.5 kilometers further on.

Then we left the crowds and the paved trail behind and climbed about 3 kilometers further to the ink pots, which are quicksand-filled pools where the water bubbles up and flows to the stream.

We had hoped for a nice rest when we got here, but the weather had different plans.  While it had been mostly sunny and cool on the hike up, it now started to snow in earnest.  So we headed quickly back down the path.

We then drove to Moraine Lake Lodge where we will stay the next 2 nights.  It was snowing there as well and had been all day.

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