Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Paddling Long Pond

We did another paddle today.  It is unusual for us to do two paddles in a row and we are very tired, especially because it was in the 80's both days.

This paddle was 6.5 miles on Long Pond with our usual group. This time we used wheels on both boats to do the carry and that worked well.  On the return trip we carried the boats up the steep and rocky trail at the beginning then used the wheels the rest of the way.

We stopped for lunch at the carry to Slang Pond because there is a nice beach there and some folks wanted to swim.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Paddling from Axton to Crusher Again

We paddled the 7 miles from Axton to the Crusher today because our friends wanted to do that paddle.  We had tried to paddle with them on Taylor Pond yesterday, but it was too windy.  Then we went to the brewery for a late lunch.  It was a nice visit.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Photos Around Camp

I finally got around to taking some photos in our woods.  These are some of my favorites.

Slime mold?

A carpet of moss

Neat small moss and ferns

Epipactis Helleborine orchid


Lichen and moss

Jack-in-the-pulpit fruit

Wild Basil or Satureja vulgaris in the Mint Family, or Lamiaceae, grows along our driveway.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Loon Census

Today was the annual loon census.  We did the Flow as usual.  None of the neighbors had seen a pair with a chick so we didn't expect to see that.  But we also didn't expect to see a group of 5 loons just hanging out at the eastern end of the main lake.  They eventually flew to different parts of the lake, but we didn't see any leave.  At one point they were making lots of noise and I noticed the bald eagle flying overhead.  It landed in a tree not far from where I was paddling.  Then W was entertained by a family of otters up at the culvert end of the lake.  So it was a good day for wildlife viewing.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Paddling Raquette Flow

Today we joined a group of friends paddling the Flow.  The water is a foot higher than normal thanks to the remnants of Hurricane Beryl, so it was hard to get into our boats from the shore at our place.  But it was still better than portaging around the dam to join our friends at the home of the leader.  Instead, we met them at our side of the dam.  We paddled down to the pump house where we had lunch.  It was quite windy so we just headed back home from there.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Paddling the North Branch of the Saranac River

We led a great paddle today on the north branch of the Saranac River.  We were afraid we would be impeded by beaver dams but they must have left that area.  We "scooched" over several old dams but they weren't an issue.  What stopped us, after about 2.75 miles upstream, was lack of water.  We had hoped to get out at the dock we discovered the last time we were there.  While it is still possible to drive to that point and put in there, it is all overgrown and we didn't see how we would get all of our boats out.  So we paddled back to our starting point on Kushaqua-Mud Pond Road and had lunch there.  After lunch some folks paddled up the Narrows.  It was quite hot so we elected to leave instead.

I have never seen so many yellow water lilies.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Paddling South Creek To Weller Pond

The winds today were very calm so we put in at South Creek and paddled across Middle Saranac Lake to Weller and Little Weller.  We found what must be an abandoned loon nest along the way toward Little Weller.

There were lots of rose pogonia orchids around.

And lots of pitcher plant flowers.

We stopped at campsite 85 at the north end of Weller for lunch.