Monday, July 8, 2024

Paddling the North Branch of the Saranac River

We led a great paddle today on the north branch of the Saranac River.  We were afraid we would be impeded by beaver dams but they must have left that area.  We "scooched" over several old dams but they weren't an issue.  What stopped us, after about 2.75 miles upstream, was lack of water.  We had hoped to get out at the dock we discovered the last time we were there.  While it is still possible to drive to that point and put in there, it is all overgrown and we didn't see how we would get all of our boats out.  So we paddled back to our starting point on Kushaqua-Mud Pond Road and had lunch there.  After lunch some folks paddled up the Narrows.  It was quite hot so we elected to leave instead.

I have never seen so many yellow water lilies.

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