Tuesday, October 1, 2024

2024 Paddling Summary

Axton to Crusher - twice

Cedar River

Fish Creek

Lake Clear

Little Tupper

Long Pond

Meacham Lake and Lower Osgood

North Branch Saranac River

Piercefield Flow

Rainbow Lake

Rollins Pond

South Creek to Weller

Upper Saranac Lake

Pedaling the Rail Trail

Today we put in at the Floodwood end and rode 3 miles to the other side of Hoel Pond, almost to the spot we stopped at coming from the other end the last time we were on the trail.  Then we turned around for a total of 6 miles, which is enough until we buy some nice, padded biking shorts.  Sure wish we had remembered that they existed.  We will buy some and be ready for next year's rides.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Paddling Upper Saranac Lake

Today was our last paddle of the season.  It was another beautiful calm day so when friends invited us to paddle around the southern end of Upper Saranac Lake, we said yes, even though it is a Sunday.  That didn't turn out to be a problem at all - there were few boats on the lake and none close to us.  We put in at the Indian Carry launch and paddled 6.25 miles, stopping briefly at the Bartlett Carry to stretch our legs. 

The dam is apparently under repair.

This is a weather station associated with Paul Smiths that is moored out in the middle of the lake.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Paddling Fish Creek

We had another great paddle today.  We put into the southern end of Fish Creek, in the Fish Creek Campground, and paddled upstream.  We went into Copperas Pond where we hadn't been in years and paddled across to the carry to Whey Pond.  We were curious to see whether the carry was wheel-able so we walked the length of it - 0.3 miles in each direction.  We decided it is doable though there are quite a few roots to get over.  This is the view of Copperas from the carry

and this is Whey.

There were lots of neat mushrooms along the trail.

Then we paddled back to the creek and went all the way into Floodwood, stopping for lunch at our favorite spot along the way.  Then back the way we came for a total of 6 miles of paddling plus the 0.6 miles of walking.  It was a gorgeous day.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Biking the Rail Trail

We had a wonderful ride on the rail trail today.  We parked at the end of Station Rd by the fish hatchery.  There were no other cars there when we arrived.  We rode 3.25 miles toward Floodwood Rd, turning around a bit past the home of some friends on Hoel Pond, for a total of 6.5 miles.  This is a view of Rat Pond as you ride by.

When we got back to the parking lot, which had quite a few cars in it by then, we noticed this wonderful mushroom.  Another biker said it was called a Shaggy Mane.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Paddling Rollins Pond

It was another gorgeous day with little wind.  And Rollins Pond was the perfect place to paddle on a Sunday since the campground closed right after Labor Day.  We paddled around the lake for a total of 5 miles.

We climbed up to the rail trail to check the progress and discovered that nothing has been done on this section yet.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Paddling Little Tupper Lake

We had a wonderful 8 mile paddle on Little Tupper Lake today.  When we started out there was no wind.  The water was like glass.

The reflections were so great it was like paddling through the clouds.

We paddled up the stream that flows in from the north until we were stopped by a big beaver dam.  We might have found a way over it, but the lake was so inviting we decided to retreat.

We stopped for lunch on one of the beaches where there were moose tracks, which was very neat.  

While we were stopped it rained a bit but not enough to spoil the fun.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Paddling Rainbow Lake

We put in at the usual spot on Clark Wardner Rd and did the 7 mile paddle to the other end at Kushaqua-Mud Pond Rd where cars were waiting.  It was a beautiful day.

We paddled up the northwestern end until we were stopped by a beaver dam and knew we couldn't go much further even if we climbed over it.

We stopped at a nice spot for lunch with this great view.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Biking the Rail Trail

Today we finally made it to the rail trail.  We combined the trip with picking up veggies, so we just started where Rt 86 crosses the trail outside of Saranac Lake, and headed toward Ray Brook.  We only went a bit under 6 miles round trip, but that was fine for the first time on bikes for quite a while.  There was a section that went slightly uphill, so it was good to be starting out that direction.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Paddling Lake Clear

We paddled on Lake Clear today.  We put in on Lake Clear Outlet off Forest Home Road.  We paddled around the west and north shores and ended at the beach for lunch.  The total distance was 4.75 miles.  There was little wind and it was cloudy and hazy most of the time.  This is a view in the outlet.